Yeah your right there....Its just that the Shunning business is so damaging, to call it an act of love is just laughable. If a D'flw person goes to a meeting in the KH..(as they're entitled). How the hell can someone refuse to say hello to another human being, in the house of God???!! If anyone 'new' is visiting the KH themselves at that time, picks up on this, what message is it sending to them? The words Disfellowshipped and Apostate are two very powerful, and covenient words that that the org have used to suit their needs.
One of the last meetings I went to a D'flw women was attending, and sitting in the back room with the rest of the 'reprobates'..(as you are made to feel). After the meeting, an elder that was new to the congregation made a move to say Hello to this woman, not realizing her position. She politely told him who she was, and the situation. The look on the elders face changed instantly, and he turned away and carried on being Bro''Love' to the rest of the cong. It turned my stomach. This is shunning of the most despicable nature. It is just so rude! Surely, if anybody, an elder could have just said.'its good you're here...' sort of thing....Jesus didnt shun anyone, as there is nothing positive to be gained. The opposite action would have far more of a positive effect, wouldnt it?